Getting Started Guide

1590 Appliance R80.20 Getting Started Guide|20
To connect to the Zero Touch server:
1. In the Welcome page, click Fetch Settings from the cloud.
2. In the window that opens, click OK to confirm that you want to proceed.
3. The Internet connection page opens. Configure your Internet connection and click Connect.
4. The Fetching settings from the cloud window opens and shows the Connecting to the service
provider status. This process may take several minutes.
If you fail to connect, an error message appears. Possible errors include:
n Internet connection is not configured correctly.
n Internet connection is through a proxy server.
n Zero Touch is already running.
n Zero Touch service already completed.
n The First Time Configuration Wizard already completed.
n Zero Touch service is disabled.
Where applicable, click Retry now to connect again.
After you connect to the server, the settings are automatically downloaded and installed. The status
is shown in the Fetching settings from the cloud window. It may take several minutes until the
installation is complete.
7. Click Finish.
Note - If a collision is detected between an internal network (LAN) and an IP returned using DHCP (WAN),
the conflicting LAN address is changed automatically. If a colliding LAN IP address is changed, a message
appears in the system logs.
When you reconnect to the WebUI or click Refresh, the browser opens to show the status of the installation
After the gateway downloads and successfully applies the settings, it does not connect to the Zero Touch
server again.