Getting Started Guide

Authentication Details
1590 Appliance R80.20 Getting Started Guide|21
Authentication Details
In the Authentication Details page, enter the required details to log in to the Check Point 1590 appliance
WebUI application or if the wizard terminates abnormally:
Administrator Name - We recommend that you change the default "admin" login name of the
administrator. The name is case sensitive.
Password - A strong password has a minimum of 6 characters with at least one capital letter, one
lower case letter, and a special character. Use the Password strength meter to measure the
strength of your password.
Note - The meter is only an indicator and does not enforce creation of a password with a specified
number of character or character combination. To enforce password complexity, click the check
Confirm Password - Enter the password again.
Country - Select a country from the list (for wireless network models).
The country where the license is set determines the wireless frequency and parameters, as the
regulations vary according to region.
If you are using a trial license, only basic radio settings, are allowed in all zones. A warning that
selected wireless radio settings are not applied shows on the Summary page and also on the
Device >License page. For more information on basic wireless radio settings, see sk159693.
If you select a country and install a valid license, but the wireless region of the device does not match
the selected country, a warning message shows and you must edit the country information. When
the country and wireless region match, you see the full settings.