User's Manual

1) The UHF BDA should be unpacked soon after delivery and carefully inspected for possible
shipping damage. It is the customer’s responsibility to file claims with the freight carrier if
damage is suspected and is usually limited to a certain time period after delivery.
2) Carefully compare the packing slip(s) against the package contents to verify the receipt of all
expected items.
3) Retain all product documentation and make sure that manuals are forwarded to the appropriate
site management, installation and service personnel.
The optional accessory supplied with the UHF BDA is attenuator pads. They are used for
padding the power on the BDA, reducing its final output level. Based on the size, cable, and
location of the antennas, the operator can optimize the output level of the BDA by using the
attenuator MSA#2 on the VGA unit. In case of need, the 3dB and 6 dB supplied pads can be
added between the diplexer and the VGA input, or at the VGA output.
Lightning Protection
Although relatively rugged, lightning can damage the internal working mechanisms inside the
BDA. We recommend the installation of a lightning surge suppressor in the transmission line
where it enters the building prior to the BDA. The suppressor should be grounded to the
building ground buss at the transmission line entry point. Chose a suppressor that will handle
the expected amount of input power from the BDA to the donor antenna.
Antenna Installation
Buildings that are not designed or upgraded for antenna systems need special attention for antenna
mountings, equipment installation and Cable runs. There are many variables involved in the design of a
DAS system (distributed antenna system).
-Structural requirements for the location of the outdoor antenna (Donor); masts towers, building
structure for the wind and ice loading.
-Protection of antennas and cables from building occupants and general human interaction.
- Installers/designers must be aware of general seating, foot traffic areas and different access points.
- All Antennas must be designed for the working frequency, which ensure meeting the exposure
-The Donor antenna and distribution antennas must be have 20 dB + the Maximum gain of the amplifier
of isolation between them. Less Isolation will cause the amplifier to overload and oscillation will occur
which may result in damage to the Amplifier.