User's Guide

Table Of Contents
2.3.4 Configure menu
Use this menu to configure sensors, variable mappings, units and alert limits.
You can select either Guided Setup or Manual Setup.
To be able to edit configuration settings, select Current in the Time drop-down menu at
the bottom of the screen.
Guided Setup
Guided Setup lets you configure device settings in a guided step-by-step process. Click
each of the buttons under Initial Setup to complete the guided setup.
Click Configure Variable Mapping to display or specify which measurements are reported
as the Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary variables.
Click Configure Device Variable Units to configure units for device variables.
Click Configure Alert Limits to define the lower range and upper range values and alert
limits for Advisory, Maintenance, and Failure for each of the process variables. You can also
configure alert reporting from here.
Click Configure Acquisition Settings to set the acquisiton settings.
Click Join Device to Network to enter network identifiers and join keys that will enable the
transmitter to join a wireless network.
Click Configure Update Rate to set how often the device acquires and reports new
measurements (update rate) and to specify the number of times the transmitter skips data
acquisitions between updates to the gateway.
User Guide
July 2020 MHM-97927-PBF
28 MHM-97927-PBF, DRAFT