User's Guide

Table Of Contents
A Specifications and reference data
A.1 Functional specifications
Three internal MEMS accelometers oriented in the X-Y-Z direction. The Z
accelometer has the greatest bandwidth and is considered the primary sensor.
The device also has a temperature sensor designed to read the temperature
near the mounting point.
Wireless-enabled, linear with temperature or input.
Humidity limits
0–95% relative humidity
Transmit rate
User-selectable, 60 seconds to 1 hour.
Measurement Measurement Parameters
The device is capable of measuring and reporting machine health
measurement parameters and generating alerts based on overall vibration in
each axis as well as peak impact measurements in the primary axis and
temperature readings.
Measurement precision
Measurement precision refers to the variability of the same measurement in a
fixed operating environment under steady-state conditions. For vibration, this
value is obtained with statistical measurements with 1 g-peak (9.81 m/s
input excitation at a frequency of 100 Hz. For temperature, this value is
obtained with statistical measurements at room temperature.
Vibration: 0.2 dB
Temperature: +/- 2°C
Amplitude Range
Up to 80 g’s in the primary axis and at least 10 g’s minimum in the secondary
axes (20 g’s range preferred)
Measurement Accuracy
Linear to +/- 3dB out to 5 KHz minimum in the primary axis (10 KHz are
strongly preferred) and linear to +/-3dB out to 1.5 KHz minimum (5 KHz range
preferred) in the secondary axes
Dynamic signal range
Target: 85dB
User Guide Specifications and reference data
MHM-97927-PBF July 2020
MHM-97927-PBF, DRAFT 63