User's Manual

Table Of Contents
2. From the Route Data Collection screen, press ALT > F1 User Setup > F9 Set Overall Mode.
Use the up and down arrow keys to select an option.
Option Description
Analog The analyzer includes frequencies from 1 Hz to 80 kHz.
Digital The analyzer includes frequencies between the lower and upper cutoff
frequency (Fmax) as defined in the AMS Machinery Manager database. The
default is Digital.
True Peak The analyzer records the highest and lowest peaks from the entire data
collection period in the waveform, uses the total value, and divides it by 2.
Select this option for trending PeakVue technology data.
Average Peak As each waveform is collected, the analyzer records the highest and lowest
value from anywhere within the block and divides this value by 2. After all
blocks are collected, the analyzer averages these individual peak values to
calculate the final Average Peak.
4. Press Enter.
4.3.8 Set the integrate mode
Integrate mode lets you select the units to store the waveform and spectra in the route. You
can also set the Integrate mode in AMS Machinery Manager. If the setting for Integrate mode is
different in the analyzer, the setting defined in AMS Machinery Manager is used.
Activate a route.
2. From the Route Data Collection screen, press ALT > F1 User Setup > F10 Set Integrate
3. Press F10 Integrate Mode to scroll through the options.
Option Description
Time Domain Save the waveform and spectrum in the integrated units. Time Domain
generally provides more accuracy and less low-frequency noise. The default
is Time Domain.
Save the waveform in sensor units and the spectrum in integrated units. If
you analyze slow-speed equipment or move the accelerometer during data
collection, a ski-slope effect or integration leg on the low end of the
spectrum may occur.
4. Press Enter.