User's Manual

Table Of Contents
BTTracer Protocol Analyzer Users ManualCATC Version 1.0
9.3 Tooltips
You can get additional information about
each field in a trace by holding your
mouse pointer over a field. A tooltip will
appear with details about the field.
9.4 Set Marker
Note The Set Marker works in conjunction with the Go to Marker feature.
You can define a unique Marker for each packet.
To place a marker on a packet,
Step 1 Left-click on Packet # for the packet you wish to mark.
CAC Channel Access Code
Trail Access Code Trailer of the Sync word
Addr Active Member Address
DM1 DM1 Packet Type
Flow ACL Link Flow Control
Arqn Acknowledgment Indication Flag
Seqn Sequential Numbering
HEC Header Error Correction Code
L_CH LMP Message
L2FL L2CAP Flow Control Flag
Len Message Length in Bytes including Opcode
TID LMP Transition initiated by Master
Opcode LMP-host_connection_req
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
Ack’d Packet Acknowledgment based on subsequent packet’s ARQN with
same AM_ADDR
Idle Idle Time in nanoseconds
Time Stamp Decimal in Seconds.Milliseconds.Microseconds*10
This is the analyzer internal clock as a reference with resolution of
100 ns.
Packet:# Packet/Event Number