User's Manual

Table Of Contents
BTTracer Protocol Analyzer Users ManualCATC Version 1.0
File Information Details such information about the recording as number of packets and
triggering setup.
Error Summary Displays an error summary of the current trace file and allows you to
go to a specific packet, and save the error file to a uniquely named file.
Timing Calculation Starts the calculator dialog for calculating various timing and
bandwidth parameters in the recording file.
Traffic Summary Details the number and type of packets were transferred during the
recording, as well as message-level statistics.
Go to trigger Positions the display to show the first packet that follows the trigger
Go to
Protocol ...
Positions the display to the indicated packet, LMP/L2CAP message, or
Protocol Message (RFCOMM, TCS, or SDP protocols).
Go to M
arker » Positions the display to a previously marked packet.
Go to » Enables quick searching for specific events using a cascade of pop-up
Find Allows complex searches.
Find N
ext Repeats the previous Find operation. Can also use F3 to find next.
Search Direction Allows you to specify a forward or backward search of a trace file.
Toolbars Displays list of available toolbars.
tatus Bar Switches display of the Status Bar on or off.
Unhide cells Allows you to unhide cells.
Zoom In Zoom in increases the size of the displayed elements.
Zoom Out Zoom out decreases the size of the displayed elements.
Wrap Allows the display to wrap.
BT Neighborhood Displays Bluetooth™ Address and clock frequency for devices in
range. The expected Bluetooth™ clock frequency is 3200 Hz +/- 250
Displays current decoding assignments and provides options for
changing them.
L2CAP connections Displays current L2CAP connections and provides options for
changing them.
RFCOMM Channel
Displays current RFCOMM Channel Assignments and provides
options for changing them.
Levels Displays the level you select.
Menu Function