Product specifications

UT-4500-A Series Upconverters Revision 0
Appendix A MN-UT4500A
Command Details
Initiate a Backup: <DEV/FBU_xx_y'cr'
Confirmation: >DEV/FBU_xx_y'cr''lf']
Where: xx = 01 to 12, converter number
y = ‘F’ to force a backup ‘N’ to remove a backup
Retrieve Backup Status: <DEV/FBU_'cr'
Confirmation: >DEV/FBU_xx_zzzzz'cr''lf']
Where: xx = 01 to 12, converter number. If zzzzz = NONE, converter
number is not displayed.
zzzzz = ‘NONE’ if no backup active
= ‘ACTIVE’ if an automatic backup has occurred
= ‘FORCED’ if a forced backup is active
A.7.4 Status Commands
Status commands retrieve configuration, maintenance and alarm status in summary form.
A.7.4.1 Configuration Status
Command Details
Configuration Status: <DEV/RCS_'cr'
Confirmation: >DEV/RCS_'cr''cr' Frequency
ATT_yy.yy'cr' Attenuator
TX_nnn'cr' Transmitter - ON/OFF/COLD
ONL_nnn'cr' Online - ON/OFF
RED_xx_yy_z'cr' See Note
CLD_nnn'cr' Cold Start - ON/OFF
AFR_nnn'cr' Auto Flt Recovery-ON/OFF
EXT_xxx'cr''lf'] Ext. Ref. - YES/NO
Note: If Redundancy OFF xx_yy_z = OFF, else if Redundancy ON and converter selected as
backup controller xx_yy_z = BU_yy where yy is the number of converters in the chain (i.e. 01 to
12), else if Redundancy ON and converter selected as a chain unit xx is the converter number (01
to 12), and z = A if Auto Mode or M if Manual Mode.
A.7.4.2 Maintenance Status
Command Details
Maintenance Status: <DEV/RMS_'cr'
Confirmation: >DEV/RMS_'cr'
P15_xx.x'cr' 15 Vdc Supply
P14_xx.x'cr' 14 Vdc Supply
VCC_x.x'cr' VCC Supply
5VD_x.x'cr' Display 5 Vdc
TEM_xx'cr' Temperature
IFL_xx.x'cr' IFLO Tuning
SUM_xx.x'cr' Sum Loop Tuning
COR_xx.x'cr' Coarse Loop Tune
FIN_xx.x'cr''lf'] Fine Loop Tuning.