Product specifications

UT-4500-A Series Upconverters Revision 0
Appendix A MN-UT4500A
A.7.4.3 Utility Status
Command Details
Utility Status: <DEV/RUS_'cr'
Confirmation: >DEV/RUS_'cr'
COMM_aaaaaa'cr' RS-232 or RS-485
ADD_xxx'cr' Address (001 to 255)
BR_nnnn'cr' Baud Rate (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,
19K2, or 38K4)
FMT_x-y-z’cr’ Data Format x=data, y=parity, z=stop
bit (8-N-1, 7-E-2, 7-O-2)
REF_xxx'cr' Osc. Adjust (000 to 255)
SLP_x.x'cr' Slope Adjust (0.0 to 1.0)
CON_xx'cr' LCD Contrast (0 to 30)
LCD_xx'cr''lf'] LCD Brightness (0 to 30).
A.7.4.4 Alarm Status
Command Details
Alarm Status: <DEV/RAS_'cr'
Confirmation: >DEV/RAS_'cr'
P15_xx'cr' 15 Vdc Fault
P14_xx'cr' 14 Vdc Fault
VCC_xx'cr' VCC Fault
5VD_xx'cr' 5VD Fault
TEM_xx'cr' Temperature Fault
IFL_xx'cr' IFLO Lock Fault
SUM_xx'cr' Sum Lock Fault
COR_xx'cr' Coarse Lock Fault
FIN_xx'cr' Fine lock Fault
HSB_xx’cr’ High Speed Bus Fault
*REF_xx'cr''lf'] Ref. Lock Fault
xx = OK or FT
Note: REF_xx is only returned if an external reference is present.
A.7.4.5 Summary Alarm Status
Summary alarm is set to Fault (FT) if any items in Sect. A.7.4.4 are faulted.
Command Details
Summary Alarm: <DEV/SAS_'cr' xx = OK or FT
Confirmation: >DEV/SAS_xx'cr''lf']
A.7.4.6 Terminal Status Change
The TSC_ command can be used to determine if the status of the terminal has changed since it
was last polled. If any of the parameters listed in the RCS or RUS commands have changed as a
result of user front panel operations or remote operations or if any new fault condition occur the
TSC_ command will return YES. The TSC_ command will then continue to return YES until any