User's Manual

¾ Browse: Click this button to select the upgrade file.
¾ Upgrade: Click this button to start the upgrading process. After the upgrade is
completed, the router will reboot automatically.
10.6 Reboot the Router
Reboot the router to make the configuration effective. The router will cut its WAN
connection automatically after rebooting.
¾ Reboot the router: Click this button to reboot the router.
10.7 Password Change
This section is to set a new password to better secure your router and network.
¾ Old password: Enter the old password.
¾ New password: Enter a new password.
¾ Confirm new password: Re-enter to confirm the new password.
The default password displays as null, users can log on the web-based utility
without any authentication. To secure the router and your network, it is highly
recommended that you change the initial password.
10.8 Syslog
The section is to view the system log. You can view various conditions appearing after
system start, and also check whether there’s an attack on the network. The log can record
at most 150 entries.
¾ Refresh: Click this button to update the log.
¾ Clear: Click this button to clear the current shown log.
10.9 Log out