Owner's manual

Hints and Tips 13
Windows SSH Client
Windows SSH Client
You can use PuTTY as a Windows ssh or telnet client, which can be found at:
The http://linux.rice.edu/help/tips-ssh.html
page also has links to various SSH
Installing and Adding Packages
To install packages from the main Debian archive at ftp://ftp.debian.org:
1. Verify that the network is configured (including DNS server) so that you have
http access to the server ftp.debian.org with the command:
# telnet ftp.debian.org http
2. Connect to the server by typing GET and pressing the Enter key. You should
see something like this:
# telnet ftp.debian.org http
Connected to ftp.debian.org.
Escape character is '^]'.
<TITLE>302 Found</TITLE>
The document has moved <A HREF="http://www.debian.org/distrib/
Connection closed by foreign host.
3. Update the available package list:
# apt-get update
apt-get downloads the list of available packages.
The list of available packages is in /var/lib/dpkg/available, which may be
searched with the apt-cache search command.
See the apt-cache manual page if you need assistance.
4. Install the desired package:
# apt-get install jed
apt-get will download and install jed and any other packages required by jed.
5. You may also download and install any package updates that have been
released by doing:
# apt-get upgrade