
Chapter 5. Installation and Testing
4. The monitor should now ask for input:
Flash ROM data copy to RAM
Please Send A S-format Record
At this point copy the RedBoot ROM SREC file to the serial port:
$ cat redboot_ROM.eprom.srec > /dev/ttyS0
Eventually you should see something like
Start Addrs = A1000000
End Addrs = A1xxxxxx
Transfer complete
from the monitor.
5. Set switch SW4-3 to OFF [boot from flash] and reboot the board. You should now see the RedBoot banner.
Special RedBoot Commands
The exec command which allows the loading and execution of Linux kernels is supported for this board (see the
Section called Executing Programs from RedBoot in Chapter 2). The exec parameters used for the SE77x9 are:
-b <addr>
Parameter block address. This is normally the first page of the kernel image and defaults to 0x8c101000
-i <addr>
Start address of initrd image
-j <size>
Size of initrd image
-c "args"
Kernel arguments string
-m <flags>
Mount rdonly flags. If set to a non-zero value the root partition will be mounted read-only.
-f <flags>
RAM disk flags. Should normally be 0x4000
-r <device number>
Root device specification. /dev/ram is 0x0101
-l <type>
Loader type
Finally the kernel entry address can be specified as an optional argument. The default is 0x8c102000
On the SE77x9, Linux expects to be loaded at address 0x8c101000 with the entry point at 0x8c102000. This is
configurable in the kernel using the CONFIG_MEMORY_START option.