
Chapter 11. Porting Guide
This specifies that the platform package should be parented under the MIPS packages, requires the TX39 variant
HAL and all configuration settings should be saved in cyg/hal/hal_mips_tx39_jmt3904.h.
The compile line specifies which files should be built when this package is enabled, and the define_proc defines
some macros that are used to access the variant or architecture (the _TARGET_ name is a bit of a misnomer) and
platform configuration options.
Startup Type
eCos uses an option to select between a set of valid startup configurations. These are normally RAM, ROM and pos-
sibly ROMRAM. This setting is used to select which linker map to use (i.e., where to link eCos and the application
in the memory space), and how the startup code should behave.
cdl_component CYG_HAL_STARTUP {
display "Startup type"
flavor data
legal_values {"RAM" "ROM"}
default_value {"RAM"}
define -file system.h CYG_HAL_STARTUP
description "
When targeting the JMR3904 board it is possible to build
the system for either RAM bootstrap, ROM bootstrap, or STUB
bootstrap. RAM bootstrap generally requires that the board
is equipped with ROMs containing a suitable ROM monitor or
equivalent software that allows GDB to download the eCos
application on to the board. The ROM bootstrap typically
requires that the eCos application be blown into EPROMs or
equivalent technology."
The no_define and define pair is used to make the setting of this option appear in the file system.h instead of
the default specified in the header.
Build options
A set of options under the components CYGBLD_GLOBAL_OPTIONS and CYGHWR_MEMORY_LAYOUT specify how
eCos should be built: what tools and compiler options should be used, and which linker fragments should be used.
display "Global build options"
flavor none
description "
Global build options including control over
compiler flags, linker flags and choice of toolchain."