User manual

Diagram 3-2-21-1
Note: If you click “Default” button, the parameters in this view will be turned into default value.
If the “OK” button is invalid, it means that your access right to the current Agent is read
only”, so you can’t carry out the parameter setup. You should log in as a super user.
In the “BottomImage” view:
If you click “None” box, the bottom image of the interface is “background color”.
Users can select the color that they want by clicking “Color” box.
Users can select the color and gradient direction that they want by clicking “Gradient” box.
Users can select background color, character size and light and shade degree of background text
by clicking “Text” box. The bottom image is the background that has the appointed text.
Users can select the background color, the grid offset, the grid size and the grid light and shade
degree in the background by clicking “Grid” box, the bottom image of the interface is “Grid”.
Users can select the background picture from the popped up list box by clicking the “Picture” box,
the bottom image of the interface is “Picture”.
Refer to the following diagram 3-2-21-2.