Technical Specifications

WARNING! Removal of old paint by sanding, scraping or other
means may generate dust or fumes that contain lead. Exposure to
lead dust or fumes may cause brain damage or other adverse
health effects, especially in children or pregnant women.
Controlling exposure to lead or other hazardous substances
requires the use of proper protective equipment, such as a
properly fitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper
containment and cleanup. For more information, call the National
Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (in US) or contact
your local health authority.
To ensure proper adhesion, all surfaces must be clean, dry and free
from wax, grease, oil, loose rust, peeling paint and other
contaminants. When solvent cleaning per SSPS-SP1,
do not use
hydrocarbon solvents for cleaning; only use an emulsifying
industrial detergent followed by a water rinse. All mildew and mold
must be completely and thoroughly removed. Glossy surfaces must
be sanded and dusted clean. Always wear a properly selected and
fitted NIOSH/MSHA approved mask or respirator when sanding.
Ferrous Metal
Remove all rust by hand tool cleaning per SSPC-SP2 and remove oil
and grease by solvent cleaning per SSPC-SP1. For best performance
use commercial blast cleaning per SSPC-SP6 with a sharp, angular
abrasive. Prime bare steel within 8 hours or before flash rusting
Galvanized Metal
Allow to weather for 6 months and solvent clean per SSPC-SP1. If
weathering is not possible or surface has been treated with
chromates or silicates, solvent clean per SSPC-SP1 and apply a test
area. Test adhesion after one-week dry time. If adhesion is poor,
brush blast per SSPC-SP7. At minimum, rusty galvanizing should be
hand tool cleaned per SSPC-SP2, followed by same day painting.
Remove all corrosion by hand tool cleaning per SSPC-SP2 and remove
oil and grease by solvent cleaning per SSPC-SP1.
PVC, Fiberglass
Remove contaminants by solvent cleaning per SSPC-SP1. Scuff sand
to abrade surface. Apply test area; test abrasion after one week prior
to full application.
Masonry, Plaster, Aggregate Block (allow to cure for 30 days)
Remove all surface contamination by washing with an appropriate
cleaner. Allow concrete, mortar and plaster to cure for 30 days at
75°F. Brick must weather one year. Remove any loose mortar, dust
and contamination per SSPC-SP13. Remove form release compounds
and curing membranes by brush blasting. Bare block should be filled
with Conco P9511 Interior/Exterior Acrylic Latex Block Filler
Remove before painting by washing with a solution of 1 part liquid
bleach and 3 parts water. Apply the solution and scrub the mildewed
area. Allow the solution to remain on the surface for 10 minutes.
Rinse thoroughly with water and allow the surface to dry before
painting. Wear protective eyewear, waterproof gloves and protective
clothing. Quickly wash off any of the mixture that comes in contact
with your skin.
Clean hands and tools with warm, soapy water
Promptly wipe up s
pills and spatters with a damp cloth
In event of a spill, use sand or kitty litter to absorb the spille
Dispose of empty container or unused portion in accordance
ith local, state, and federal regulations
After cleaning, flush spray equipment with mineral spirits t
prevent rusting of the equipment
Follow manufacturer’s safety recommendations when usi
mineral spirits
Not for use on horizontal surfaces where water may collect
Do not apply in direct s
Keep from fre
Do not use hydrocarbon solvents for cleaning prior to painting
If this product, when applied according to label instructions, fails
to perform to your complete satisfaction, we will either replace
an equivalent quantity of product free of charge or refund the
purchase price, upon presentation of proof of purchase. This
warranty does not include labor or costs associated with labor for
the application of any product. This warranty gives you specific
legal rights, and you may have other rights, which vary state to
The information and recommendations set forth in this Product Data Sheet are
based upon tests conducted by or on behalf of Conco Paints. Information and
recommendations set forth herein are subject to change and pertain to the product
offered at the time of publication. Consult your Conco Paint retailer or sales
representative to obtain the most recent Product Data Sheet.
For more information, please call 1.800.388.2426, or