
Condre, Inc.
Begin Track
[+] 0 [Q]
Note that the number of minutes that have been loaded
the hard drive is displayed in the top right corner of the LCD display.
number of minutes will help you decide how many tracks you can load. The
into partition AA of
16 ress the Go button at the prompt, begin track.
18. xt selection using the MODE button to
selected track(s).
, the master CD is automatically
ejected, and “pass” is displayed.
22 s the Mode button to display the number
of the first track you wish to copy.
24. to select the last track in the series.
When the tracks have successfully loaded, the master CD is automatically
y loaded, the master CD is automatically
ejected, and pass is displayed.
Pre til you view the setup option. Then press
the Mode button until you display the delete function. Press the Go button to
maximum is 80 minutes.
. At the begin track 0 prompt, press the MODE button to display the number
of the track you wish to co
. P
Press the Go button again at the prompt, end track.
At begin track 0, make your ne
select the track.
19. Press the Go button at begin track.
20. Press the Go button again at end track.
21. Press the Go button again to load the
When the tracks have successfully loaded
add consecutive tracks, such as tracks 1, 2, 3, and 4, do the following:
. At the begin track 0 prompt, pres
Press the Go button at the prompt, begin track.
At end track, press the Mode button
Press the Go button again at the prompt, end tra
Press the Go button again to load the selected tracks.
ejected, and “pass” is displayed.
Press the Go button again to load the selected track(s).
When the tracks have successfull
can delete the last track from the partition in the hard drive. Here’s how:
ss and hold the Mode button un