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AT+i Programmer‘s Manual Version 8.32 34-64
34.7.4 +iDELF Email Delete Filter String
Syntax: AT+iDELF=[#]str Permanently sets the Email delete filter string.
Parameters: str = ASCII string which qualifies an Email message
to be deleted from the mailbox. This string must exist
in the Email header for the message to qualify. If the
string exists in at least one header field, the message
will be deleted from the mailbox during the next
Email retrieve session (
Command Options:
str='' Empty string: delete filter disabled. No messages
shall be deleted.
str=<f/string> Set f/string to be the qualifying Email delete filter.
# flag When the optional ‗#‘ (NOT) flag precedes the
filter string, iChip will reverse the deletion
criterion. In other words, iChip will delete all but
Emails that qualify the filter.
Default: Empty. Delete filter disabled.
Result code:
I/OK If str is an empty or legal filter string.
I/ERROR Otherwise.
AT+iDELF~[#]f/string Temporarily set the Email delete filter string to
f/string. The permanent value will be restored after
completing the next session, whether the session
was successful or not.
AT+iDELF? Report the current value of the Email delete filter
string. If no filter is defined, only <CRLF> will be
returned. The reply is followed by I/OK.
AT+iDELF=? Returns the message ‗String‘.
The reply is followed by I/OK.