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AT+i Programmer‘s Manual Version 8.32 34-119
34.13.12 +iSNRD SerialNET Device Re-Initialization Delay
Syntax: AT+iSNRD=n Sets SerialNET mode re-initialization delay in
Parameters: n = number of seconds iChip will pause before re-
initializing SerialNET mode after a failed attempt
to establish a socket connection to the peer or a
connection related fatal error. A new SerialNET
connection will only be attempted after SerialNET
re-initializes. The SNRD delay will not be in effect
as a result of an Escape Sequence (‗+++‘).
Command Options:
n = 0 .. 3600
Default: 0 No delay.
Result code:
I/OK If n is within limits.
I/ERROR Otherwise.
AT+iSNRD? Report the current SerialNET re-initialization delay
in seconds.
The reply is followed by I/OK.
AT+iSNRD=? Returns the message "0-3600".
The reply is followed by I/OK.