User's Manual

Table Of Contents
AT+i Programmer‘s Manual Version 8.32 38-3
+iWPWD Password for Application Website
Authentication ....................................... 34-77
+iWRFD - WLAN Radio Down ................... 15-5
+iWRFU - WLAN Radio Up........................ 15-4
+iWROM - Enable Roaming in WiFi ......... 34-93
+iWRST - Reset WLAN Chipset ................. 15-6
+iWSEC - Wireless LAN WPA Security . 34-102
+iWSIn - Wireless LAN Service Set Identifier
Array ..................................................... 34-97
+iWSRH - SNR High Threshold ................ 34-96
+iWSRL - SNR Low Threshold ................. 34-95
+iWSTn - Wireless LAN Security Type Array
............................................................ 34-101
+iWTC - Wait Time Constant .................... 34-13
+iWWW Activate Embedded Web Server 10-1
+iXFH - Transfer Headers Flag .................. 34-61
+iXRC - Extended Result Code .................... 34-8
Appendix A .................................................. 35-1
Appendix B ................................................... 36-1
Appendix C ................................................... 37-1
AT+i Commands by Category ........................ 2-5
AT+i Result Code Summary .......................... 3-3
Binary Attachment Parameters ..................... 23-2
Defining A Textual Body for Binary Messages
................................................................ 23-2
Direct Socket Interface ................................. 13-1
E-Mail Receive (RMM).................................. 7-5
E-Mail Receive (RMM) Flow Diagram ......... 7-5
Flow Control ................................................. 24-1
Header Parameter Names and Values ........... 26-2
Host iChip Hardware Flow Control ........ 24-6
Host iChip Software Flow Control .......... 24-1
HTTP Client Interface .................................... 8-1
iChip Parameter Update ................................ 26-1
iChip-Generated Binary Message Formats ... 23-1
MIME content types and subtypes ............... 35-1
MIME Content Types and Subtypes ............. 35-3
MIME Encapsulated E-Mail Messages ........ 23-1
MIME-Encapsulated E-Mail Message Format .....
................................................................ 23-3
MIME-Related AT+i Commands and Parameters
................................................................ 23-1
Minimum Hardware Flow Control Connections
................................................................ 24-6
NIST Time Servers ....................................... 37-1
Nonvolatile Parameter Database .......... 34-1, 34-6
Parameter Descriptions ................................. 34-1
Remote Firmware Update ............................. 25-1
Report Status Message Format ....................... 4-6
Sample Parameter Update............................. 36-1
Software Flow Control Characters ............... 24-2
Software Flow Control Diagram in Binary
E-Mail Send ............................................ 24-3
Software Flow Control Diagram in Socket Send
................................................................ 24-5
Software Flow Control During A Socket Send.....
................................................................ 24-4
Software Flow Control in Binary E-Mail Send
................................................................ 24-3
Software Flow Control in Socket Send ......... 24-5
Special Modem Commands .......................... 14-1
Web Server Interface .................................... 10-1