User's Manual

Nano Socket iWiFi G2 N2 Datasheet
Appendix A - Internet Protocol Compliance
Nano Socket iWiFi G2 N2 complies with the Internet standards listed in the following table
RFC 768
User datagram protocol (UDP)
RFC 791
Internet protocol (IP)
RFC 792
ICMP Internet control message protocol
RFC 793
Transmission control protocol (TCP)
RFC 821
Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP)
RFC 822
Standard for the format of ARPA Internet text messages
RFC 826
Ethernet address resolution protocol (ARP)
RFC 959
File transfer protocol (FTP)
RFC 854
TELNET protocol specification
RFC 857
Telnet ECHO option
RFC 858
Telnet suppress go-ahead option
RFC 1034
Domain names (DNS) - concepts and facilities
RFC 1035
Domain names (DNS) - implementation and specification
RFC 1073
Telnet window size option
RFC 1091
Telnet terminal type option
RFC 1321
MD5 message digest algorithm
RFC 1939
Post office protocol - version 3 (POP3)
RFC 1957
Some observations on the implementations of the post office protocol (POP3)
RFC 2030
Simple network time protocol (SNTP)
RFC 2045
Multipurpose Internet mail extensions (MIME) part one: internet message body
RFC 2046
MIME part two: media types
RFC 2047
MIME part three: message header extensions for non-ASCII text
RFC 2048
MIME part four: registration procedures
RFC 2049
MIME part five: conformance criteria and examples
RFC 2068
Hypertext transfer protocol HTTP/1.1
RFC 2131
Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP)
RFC 2132
DHCP options (only relevant parts)
RFC 2228
FTP security extensions
RFC 2246
The TLS protocol version 1.0