User's Manual

3.6 Rev. C
While the TRANSCEIVER is Transmitting, the CURRENT TRANSFORMER
generates the signal MCUR which:
- is used in this circuit
- is sent to the Microprocessor of the RTM CONT B board
3 .3 .2 .3 1 5 V I SO a nd 1 2 0 V Ge ne r at ion
In the POWER MOS Board there are also (Chapter 9, Figure 9.1.11):
- the 18 Vac circuit. This voltage, coming from the RTM CONT
B Board, is applied to the ADAPTER which generates:
. the signal HVSTOP which disables the high voltage
generation when the 18 Vac is absent
. the +15V ISO used to supply the Pulse Generator Circuit
- the 120 V obtained from the 700 V, whose function is to
make the Performance Monitor function
3 .3 .3 RTM CON T B Board
The RTM CONT B board is located inside the Transceiver Unit cover and its
function is to control the Transceiver operations.
The RTM CONT B board is divided in the following main circuits:
- Low Voltage Power Supply, LVPS
- Microprocessor and Gate Array
- Pulse Length Generator
- Azimuth and Heading Line Signal Circuit Generator
- Performance Monitor
3 .3 .3 .1 Low Volt age Pow e r Supply Circuit ( LVPS)
The LVPS function is to generate the low DC voltages, (5V, -15V, 15 V),
necessary to supply the Transceiver electronic circuits. As input, the circuit
receives the 70 Vdc voltage from the External S-Band PSU (Chapter 9, Figure
9.1.12). These voltages are rectified, filtered and stabilised by suitable solid
state components in order to get as output:
- 5 V, -15 V, + 15 V to supply all other electronic circuits
- VFIL, according with the selected Pulse