User's Manual

6.3 Rev. C
(Chapter 9, Figure 9.1.30 pos. 1)
3. Remove the fuse from the fuse-holder
c) Installation
1. In order to install the new fuse, perform the removal
operations in reverse order
6 .2 .1 .2 Replacem ent of t he POW ER MOS Boa rd
a) Required Tools
- set of open wrenches
- set of screwdrivers
b) Removal
1. By means of the proper screwdriver, unscrew the six
screws (Chapter 9, Figure 9.1.29 pos. 1) locking the front
cover (Chapter 9, Figure 9.1.29 pos. 2) and open the former
2. Remove the POWER MOS Board (Chapter 9, Figure 9.1.30
pos. 2) cabling by tacking note of its disposition
3. By means of the proper open wrench, unscrew the nuts
(Chapter 9, Figure 9.1.30 pos. 3) fastening the POWER
MOS Assy to the frame and remove the Assy
4. By means of the proper open screw, unscrew the nuts
fastening the POWER MOS board to the Assy and remove
the board
c) Installation
1. In order to install the new Electronics Assy with POWER
MOS board, perform the removal operations in reverse
2. By following the procedures of Card 8 of Chapter 4,
calibrate the Performance Monitor circuit (if present); during
the calibration do not take into account the steps relevant to
the Noise Ring distance
6 .2 .1 .3 Replacem ent of t he LNFE Assy
a) Required Tools
- set of screwdrivers
- set of Allen wrenches
b) Removal
1. By means of the proper screwdriver, unscrew the six
screws (Chapter 9, Figure 9.1.29 pos. 1) locking the front
cover (Chapter 9, Figure 9.1.29 pos. 2) and open the former