Technical Manual

304202P003 3.1 Rev. C
3.1 Introduction
The present chapter provides the functional and detailed description of the main
functions and operations performed by the SRT X-BAND RADAR SYSTEM.
Functional diagrams are used to depict signal processing whilst the text is used
to support diagrams as necessary for explanation purposes.
The descriptions are structured in paragraphs as described in what follows:
Paragraph 3.2 - Functional Description, provides a general functional
description, functional areas identification and main interconnections among
them. This allows highlighting the main functions relationship and unit
performance. As a functional area it is intended a group of circuits, or other
devices, which operate together to accomplish a well defined function. Each of
the major functions of the unit shown in the functional block diagram (Chapter 9,
Figure 9.1.7 and Figure 9.1.8) is described in details on separate functional
block diagrams whose description is given as follows:
Paragraph 3.2.1 Electronics Rack
Paragraph 3.2.2 RF HEAD
Paragraph 3.2.3 Brushless Motor Controller
Paragraph 3.2.4 Motor Unit
Paragraph 3.2.5. Optional Unit: SRT Adapter Box
Paragraph 3.2.6. Optional Unit: Heater
Paragraph 3.2.7. Optional Unit: Encoder
Functional block diagrams show the development of a function from input to
output in detail. Main assemblies and subassemblies (modules and cards) are
shown and identified by code name and part number (P/N).
Hardware blocks are used in the signal paths to describe the processing
functions performed. For a better understanding, the signal functions on circuit
blocks are tagged by letters whose meanings are described in the list of
abbreviations Table 1.1.1 - List of abbreviations.
Signal flows are mainly laid down from left to right and from top to bottom
therefore subassemblies can be illustrated more than once to ensure logical
signal flow. Signals, on functional block diagram, appear with their official code
name as indicated on the manufacturer electric schematic diagrams and tabular
interconnection lists.
Comments for explanation purpose on signal paths are within parenthesis; this
sometimes identifies their operational accomplishment. Timing diagrams and
word-code bit structure figures are also given as necessary for a better
understanding of the described function. Logic terms and principles used in this
technical manual comply with standard engineering practices.