Network Router User Manual

Contemporary Research Corporation 8 AV6x4 A/V Router
RS-232 Commands
Crosspoint Commands
A Crosspoint command sends inputs to outputs. The command structure is simple:
> [Unit] [Crosspoint (X, A, V)] [Input (0-6)] [Output (A-D)] [Input] [Output]…
More than one set of Input/Output points can follow the Crosspoint command. You don’t have to include all
Input/Output Crosspoints in the string, only the Crosspoints that need to be changed. A carriage return is
required at the end of each command and is assumed in all examples.
Parameter Character Function
Crosspoint X Audio-Follow Video
A Audio Only
V Video Only
Route the input’s audio and video to the output
Route the input’s audio only to the specified output
Route the input’s video only to the specified output
Input 1-6 Input #
0 Blank
Specifies Input 1-6.
When a zero (0) is used, the output will be blanked.
Output A – D Outputs
* All Outputs
Specifies output for Crosspoint
Routes input to all outputs
Mute M Mute On
U Mute Off
T Toggle Mute On/Off
Mutes all audio and video
Unmutes all audio and video
Toggles Mute on and off
Mute command must follow Crosspoint character
Status XS Request Crosspoint Status AV6x4 returns Crosspoint status string
Unit 2
Audio-Follow Video Crosspoint
In 1 to Out A, In 2 to Out B, In 3 to Out C, In 4 to Out D
Performs same routing as example above
Unmutes all audio and video outputs, clears any front-
panel muting
>2U Mutes all audio and video (I/O Crosspoints not required)
>X0D Mutes Unit 1 audio and video to Out D
>V5* Routes Input 5 video to all outputs
>XS Requests Crosspoint status for Unit 1
Multiple commands may be concatenated as single strings up to 120 ASCII characters long.
>2X1A2BA3CM Combines Crosspoint and Audio routes, mutes all A/V
Mute A/V Off command is not required in any command; however it may be useful to send Mute A/V Off in case
Mute A/V had been set On from the front panel.
Sending all
3 status request commands back-to-back for a full status update is allowed.
>XSGSPS’ Returns all 3 response strings back-to-back.