Frequently Asked Questions

PEUGEOT Connect Nav
I cannot connect my Bluetooth telephone. The telephone's Bluetooth function may be
switched off or the telephone may not be
Check that your telephone has Bluetooth
switched on.
Check in the telephone settings that it is
"visible to all".
The Bluetooth telephone is not compatible with
the system.
You can check the compatibility of your
telephone at the Brand's website (services).
The volume of the telephone connected in
Bluetooth mode is inaudible.
The sound depends on both the system and
the telephone.
Increase the volume of the audio system, to
maximum if required, and increase the volume
of the telephone if necessary.
Ambient noise affects the quality of the
telephone call.
Reduce the ambient noise level (close the windows,
reduce the booster fan speed, slow down, etc.).
Some contacts are duplicated in the list. The options for synchronising contacts are
synchronising the contacts on the SIM card,
the contacts on the telephone, or both. When
both synchronisations are selected, some
contacts may be duplicated.
Select "Display SIM card contacts" or "Display
telephone contacts".
The contacts are listed in alphabetical order. Some telephones offer display options.
Depending on the settings chosen, contacts
can be transferred in a specific order.
Modify the telephone directory display settings.
The system does not receive SMS. The Bluetooth mode does not permit sending
SMS text messages to the system.