Frequently Asked Questions

PEUGEOT Connect Nav
These commands can be made from any
screen page after pressing the "Voice
command" or "Telephone" button located
on the steering wheel, as long as there is
no telephone call in progress.
Voice commands Help messages
Tune to channel <…> You can pick a radio station by saying "tune
to" and the station name or frequency. For
example "tune to channel Talksport" or "tune to
98.5 FM". To listen to a preset radio station, say
"tune to preset number". For example "tune to
preset number five".
What's playing To display the details of the current "track",
"artist" and "album", you can say "What's
Play song <…> Use the command "play" or "listen to" to select
the type of music you'd like to hear. You can
pick by "song", "artist", or "album". Just say
something like "play artist, Madonna", "play
song, Hey Jude", or "play album, Thriller".
Play artist <…>
Play album <…>
Media voice commands are available
only for a USB connection.
"Radio Media" voice