User Manual Part 1

Screens & Tabs: Features & Functions
7. Screens & Tabs: Features & Functions
Viewer Screen – HOS Tab
The HOS tab displays Driver information across the top of
the work area: name, employee number, date of birth,
Driver ID, the currently displayed date as selected in the
action palette calendar and the cycle chosen for the HOS
Note: The Driver information seen here is entered and
maintained on the Driver Data Tab of the Master Data
In the work area, the Driver’s hours of service are shown in
several formats:
Logbook Timeline
The logbook timeline displays a running line of a Driver’s
Duty Status (On Duty, Driving, Sleeper Berth, Off Duty) and also shows
color-coded indicators for Events, Violations, Exemptions and Supporting
Documents associated with times recorded in the Driver’s log.
Annotating the logbook
The recorded record shown in the logbook timeline can be changed if
necessary. An example would be a period of time when the Driver
neglected to switch from On Duty to Off Duty.
Click and drag on a segment of the timeline, to select it.
Right-click on the selection to change (annotate) the status
recorded. A “Create Duty Status” pop-up appears.
Enter the revised time span and status you wish to record and
click OK.
Note: Segments can only be selected for editing as they were
recorded. Therefore some edits will require you to individually
select and edit multiple adjacent segments to create one
continuous new segment. Segments can also be edited in the
events grid below the logbook view.
While the logbook record displayed will reflect the changes made, the
Fleet Management Software will annotate the data as having been
changed and will retain the original data as well as the revised data. To
view the original, unchanged data, click the “Show Original Data”
checkbox in the Action Palette.
Data can also been added manually when clicking on a calendar day. If
no data is available this message appears: “No HOS data for the Driver
available. To create HOS data please click here.” Clicking brings up a
pop-up where data can be entered. This can also be used to enter
activities recorded for the previous 15 days for a new Driver or when
starting up a new company record.