User`s manual

Device / Device info
The command provides additional information about the current device - size of device,
organization, programming algorithm and a list of programmers (including auxiliary modules)
that supported this device. You can find here package information, part number description
and full information for ISP implementation. For example: description of ISP connector pins
for currently selected chip, recommended target design around in-circuit programmed chip.
The reserved key <Ctrl+F1> will bring out this menu from any menu and any time
Menu Programmer includes commands used for work with programmers.
Programmer / Find programmer
This item selects a new type of programmer and communication parameters. This command
contains following items:
Programmer - sets a new type of programmer for find. If a Search all is selected, the control
program finds all supported programmers.
Establish communication - allows manual or automatic establishing communication for a
new programmer.
Speed - sets speed, if a manual establishing communication is selected, which PC sends
data into the programmer. Speed is expressed as a percent from a maximal speed.
The communication speed modification is important for PCs with "slow" LPT ports, which
haven't sufficient driving power for a PC<->programmer cable (laptop, notebook, ...). Use this
command, if you have any communication problems with connected programmer on the LPT