User`s manual

Program Pg4uwMC is used for fully parallel concurrent device multiprogramming on more
programmers or on one multiprogramming capable programmer connected to USB ports to
the same computer.
Pg4uwMC is focused to the easy monitoring of high-volume production operations. Operator-
friendly user interface of Pg4uwMC combines many powerful functions with ease of use and
provides overview of all important activities and operation results without burden of operator
with non-important details.
Pg4uwMC is using a project file to control the multiprogramming system. Project file contains
user data, chip programming setup information, chip configuration data, auto programming
command sequence, etc. Therefore the operator error is minimized, because the project file
is normally created and proofed by engineering and then given to the operator. The optional
protected mode can be set for project file to avoid unwanted changes of the project file.
Each chip may be programmed with different data such as serial number, configuration and
calibration information.
The basic description of the main parts of Pg4uwMC
Pg4uwMC main window
Main window of Pg4uwMC consists of following parts:
Menu and tool buttons
Menu and tool buttons allow access to most of Pg4uwMC functions.
Tool button Settings
Button is used to open Pg4uwMC Settings dialog. Settings dialog is described bellow.