Use Instructions

3. After finishing an exercise, you will return to homepage for a break. After the break the
next exercise will begin automatically or you can choose to skip the break to continue.
(Figure 19a)
Figure 19a
4. After completing a round of exercise, there will be a summary page. Please fill in the
questions with your actual condition. (Figure 19b)
Figure 19b Figure 19c Figure 19d
a. To fill in Exertion level, please slide the white circle. (Figure 19c)
b. To fill in How was the round? please tap on the option and the option will turn
blue. (Figure 19d)
c. After filling in all the questions, the SAVE AND BACK button will pop up, tap on
the button to finish the feedback. (Figure 19d)
5. Congratulations! You have finished a round of rehabilitation.