Instruction Manual

overwritten and deleted by the loop.
Unlock all: short press or to move the cursor to select to unlock all. Then all locked file video can be unlocked.
Note : The unlocked video file is still in the locked folder, but the locked icon is deleted and it can be
overwritten and deleted by the loop.
Delete the current: short press or to move the cursor to select the locked video file to be deleted and short
press to enter unlock menu mode to select to delete the current. Then the currently selected locked video file can
be deleted.
Delete all: short press or to move the cursor to select delete all. Then all locked video file can be deleted.
8.2. Resolution
In standby mode, you can short press to enter the menu mode, short press to move the cursor to the
"resolution" option, and press to enter the“resolution”. You can short press or to move the cursor to
select the camera whose video resolution needs to be changed,and short press for confirmation to enter the selected
camera. Then you can short press or to move the cursor to select the needed video resolution, and short
press to confirm the selected resolution. Note: The device defaults to dual recording mode, and it changes
into three-way mode after connecting the external rear camera. The resolution of 1080P+1080P+1080P will be
displayed on the screen, and three cameras will simultaneously record the front of the road, the interior of the
vehicle and the rear of the road. Different resolutions can also be separately set to front camera, inner camera,
and rear camera to record video files at the same time. This machine has a one-key lock function. It can lock the
images that needs to be retained without being overwritten by the loop. Short press while recording, and
the recorder will lock the current image.
8.3 Date label
In standby mode, you can short press to enter the system Settings menu, and short press to move the cursor
to the date label option.You can short press to select to open or close the date label. After the setting is completed,
you can short press to exit the menu setting. NoteAfter choosing to close the date label, the video file of the
video lock