Full Product Manual

6.1 Troubleshooting (continued)
Pump motor will not run when
switch is turned on.
Turn fan on to check for power.
Is water level high enough to
make the low- water cut-off
If fan doesn’t start; check
breaker and cord plug-in. If
fan does start; check for
power to and through pump
switch (when turned on). Fill
water reservoir.
Pump motor hums when switch
is turned on, but does not pump
Obstruction in impellor.
Pump motor failure.
Remove object(s).
Replace pump.
Pump makes loud noise while
Object(s) in impellor, impellor
loose. Pump bearings bad.
Remove object(s).
Replace pump.
Breaker trips or fuse blows
when switch is turned on.
Check power cord length and
breaker rating.
Check for locked-up pump.
Refer to page 2 for unit
amperage draw and to
determine required cord
gauge. Replace pump.
Pump won’t run and power is
available. Pump is functional.
Make certain switch is working.
Is water level high enough to
make the low- water cut-off
Replace switch if not
completing circuit. Fill water
reservoir enough to activate
Low Water Shut-off switch.
Pump runs but does not pump
Air lock in outlet side of pump.
Make certain the impellor is
turning in pump.
Turn off and on to bleed.
If not, replace pump.