Use and Care Manual

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Maintenance Instructions
Spring Cleaning
Remove the cooling media and clean out any debris in the water pan at the bottom.
Check the motor’s fan belt tension (if applicable). When pressed, it should move the width of the belt.
Lightly oil the bearing on the bearing assembly and the motor if it has an oil receptacle.
Remove distribution tube from mounting clips. Remove the plug at end of tube and ush out. Clean
distribution holes with small brush, ush with water to verify all holes are clear
If the cooling media is heavily stained with minerals or falling apart, replace with evaporative cooling
media supplied by COOL-SPACE. Verify the media is installed correctly with the arrows on the side.
Connect the water line and turn on the water supply. Check the oat valve and make sure it is operating
properly. Verify that the oat valve is shutting the water o before walking away.
Switch on the fan motor and recirculating pump Make sure the cooling media is being evenly saturated
with water by adjusting the water ow using the ow control valve. Small dry streaks are acceptable.
Mid-Summer Checkup
Make sure your oat valve is working properly. If the valve sticks, the water will run continuously, causing
water to overow the reservoir, install a new oat valve or call a cooler specialist.
Check all other working parts, including the pump, fan motor and fan belt (for cracks, if applicable).
Check the condition of the cooling media. The cleaner the media, the more ecient the cooler. If they
have a heavy accumulation of mineral deposits, replace them.
Use the drain valve to empty the reservoir then remove any debris.
With a few simple steps, you can minimize potential issues that may arise in the Spring.
Clean the minerals out of the reservoir. Vinegar can be used to dissolve the buildup. Then ush it out
through the drain plug.
Inspect the water distribution tube for clogged holes. Clean as necessary.
To prevent freezing in the cooler’s water line, disconnect the water supply, open both valves on the side of
the cooler and dry out the reservoir.
Use a COOL-SPACE™ storage cover to protect your cooler and keep it clean.