Installation Instructions

call toll free: 1-800-663-8806 DMAN-4077-01 R01
Service Mode: Modify RCU time out
RCU Timeout
As a battery saving feature the RCU has the ability to turn it self off after a
defined period of inactivity.
The RCU timeout is configurable from 1 to 998 minutes in 1 minute incre-
ments. A value of 0, the default value, disables the RCU timeout.
To adjust the RCU timeout press button
. T
10 user buttons represent numeric values from 1-9 as shown on the picture
left. LEDs on the 10 user buttons will flash RED to display the current user
First RED flash represent the 100’s figure of RCU timeout. The second
RED flash represent the 10’s figure of RCU timeout. The third RED flash
represent the 1’s figure of RCU timeout.
For example, a time out of 138 minutes is displayed as below.
Press three buttons in sequence to set the timeout. First button represent
100’s , second button represent 10’s, and third button represent 1’s figure
of RCU timeout. When each button is pressed, corresponding button LED
will turn on GREEN momentarily. LEDs will display the new value once the
button sequence is complete.
Press and release Power ON [GREEN] to save your changes. Press and
release Power OFF [RED] to abort any changes and turn off unit.
When a RCU turns off due to inactivity it will cause the base station it is communicating with to
go in to its safe state. The base station safe state by default is all functions off unless specified
differently by your equipment supplier.
You must be aware of any behavior that may change due to adjusting the timeout and
consider all safety aspects of operation. Consult with the supplier of your equipment if
your are unsure of affected safety operation.
Failure to follow SAFETY PRECAUTIONS may result in equipment failure and/or serious
personal injury.
5 6
7 8
3 4
1 2
9 0
Light Legend
Red & Green
5 6
7 8
3 4
1 2
9 0
5 6
7 8
3 4
1 2
9 0
5 6
7 8
3 4
1 2
9 0
5 6
7 8
3 4
1 2
9 0