Programming Manual

WaveLinx User Manual
Step 5: Wait a few minutes to give the system enough time to find the device. The device may display a message briefly on the mobile
application when it joins the paired construction group. The device will show in the construction group if the message was missed.
Once the device has joined, select the menu option to stop discovering devices and tap OK to cancel pairing mode.
Tap OK
Select stop
discovering devices
Verify that the device
paired successfully
Step 6: In the areas list, select the area that the replacement device belongs in and verify that a device shows in the all unassigned devices
section. Double tap the device to place it in blink to identify mode or use the device identification methods discussed on page 30 to ensure
that the device showing is the expected device and then make note of the device name.
Verify newly paired device
appears as an available
device. Identify the device,
then make note of the
device name.
Select the area.