Programming Manual

WaveLinx User Manual
6: Once all devices are assigned, tap on the paired device count showing at the top of the area screen. Verify that the device types and
counts match the actual quantity of devices that should be in that space.
7: (Read important note below before proceeding). Repeat the procedures in this section for additional areas controlled by the Wireless Area
Controller. Once devices are assigned, areas will begin operation with the automatic code commissioning programming.
Important Note: If the automatic code commissioning programming will be modified and other areas will duplicate the modified behavior,
do not create additional areas at this point. First, customize the existing area with the desired programming (refer to the section on
“Customizing the Automatic Code Commissioning Programming” found on page 38 of this manual). Once the area is programmed, copy its
settings automatically when creating new areas.
To copy an area’s settings to a new area, in the create area window, select the programmed area in the copy section, and then name and
save the new area. Zone quantities/parameters, scene levels, occupancy set quantities/parameters, open loop daylight set quantities/
parameters (closed loop daylight sets are not copied as they are device dependent), and demand response parameters will be duplicated
from the original area. Once the new area is created, identify and assign the desired devices.
Select the area to copy
Type the new area name
Save the new area
Add a new area