Programming Manual

WaveLinx User Manual
Copying Wallstation Programming to Other Wallstations
In many applications, wallstations within the same room may perform the same functions. In addition, wallstations in other rooms may have
the same behavior. The mobile application makes it easy to copy customized wallstation programming to other wallstations. In order to copy
wallstation programming, the wallstations must be the same type and have the same faceplate configuration, i.e. if the original wallstation
is a standard line voltage powered 4 small button with raise/lower, then the destination wallstation must be a standard line voltage powered
4 small button with raise/lower. In addition, if the wallstation is issuing commands to specific zones, the quantity of zones should match
between areas.
Settings that copy include the button actions of each button and all defined parameters with the exception of the target area. When copied,
the target area defined in the original wallstation will update to the area assigned to the selected wallstation.
Step 1: Open the WaveLinx Mobile Application and establish a connection with the Wireless Area Controller as the administrator user.
Step 2: In the areas list, select the area that contains the wallstation that has already been programmed with the desired settings.
Step 3: In the area screen, tap the icon for the programmed wallstation to open it for editing.
Tap the wallstation to
open the configuration