Programming Manual

WaveLinx User Manual
Step 5: Use the slider bars to adjust the electric light to the desired level for each controlled fixture. Verify that the level is correct by placing
the light meter on the surface beneath each of the controlled fixtures, ensuring that the reading is within the desired range. If the light
level is still too bright when electric lighting is fully dimmed, use available shading to adjust the amount of incoming daylight or postpone
calibration until the amount of incoming daylight has decreased.
Use the slider controls to
adjust each light to the
desired the light level
Step 6: At the top of the screen, change the display between lux and foot-candles to match the reported units of the light meter. Enter the
light meter’s surface reading into the work surface entry field. (The meter reading should be similar under each fixture if the fixtures are
properly adjusted to maintain the same light level.) Then, tap the calibrate button to calibrate each sensor and to save the desired light level
target. The mobile application will show whether calibration was successful. If failures are reported on this page, it will be necessary to
repeat this procedure.
Enter the light meter’s
current reading
Verify success
Tap calibrate