Programming Manual

WaveLinx User Manual
Step 12: Wait approximately 10 seconds to allow the light level to settle and then place the light meter on the work surface to verify that the
light level is within the desired range. Adjust the slider further if necessary until the light level is in the correct range.
Step 13: Tap on the back button to save the change and go back to the main daylight sets screen. If an additional zone will operate from the
same daylight sensor but with a different response, select the plus sign to create an additional open loop set. Repeat these steps to assign
the appropriate zone, assign the same sensor, and calibrate the light level for the zone.
Configure the additional
daylight set(s)
Tap the back button
to save and exit
Tap the plus sign
Quick Links for Common Questions
After I programmed the open loop daylight sets, the work surface light level is not consistent over the controlled zone.
Why is this occurring? See the answer on page 139.
My lights over my desk appear to adjust to different dimming levels even through the daylight does not appear to change.
Why is this happening? See the answer on page 139.
My wallstation or occupancy sensor does not appear to operate during the day but seems to work at night. Why is this occurring?
See the answer on page 140.
Configuring Exterior Open Loop Daylight Sensors
Exterior open loop daylighting requires the use of the WaveLinx Wireless Outdoor Lighting Control Module.
If the controlled area contains more than one wireless outdoor lighting control module, one module may be assigned to control daylighting
for the connected fixture, or may be assigned to control daylighting for a group of fixtures if it is desired to have them respond to
daylighting in the exact same manner.
If fixtures in the zones that are assigned to open loop daylight sets contain an outdoor integrated sensor, closed loop daylighting will
automatically be disabled for these sensors
The WaveLinx wireless outdoor control module is hardcoded for ON at dusk / OFF at dawn operation based on optimal performance factors
for outdoor application. These settings cannot be modified. Lighting will turn OFF if the light level has exceeded 65 lux for a period of 180
seconds (3 minutes). Lighting will turn ON if the light level falls below 16 lux for a period of 30 seconds.
Because settings are hard coded, the configuration of an exterior open loop sensor is simplified and consists of creating the daylight set,
assigning the necessary controlled zones, and assigning the sensor that perform the daylighting functions. It is also possible to view the
sensor’s current reading.
Step 1: Open the WaveLinx Mobile Application and establish a connection with the Wireless Area Controller as the administrator user.