Cut Sheet

Envirotran™ FM Approved special protection transformer
Eatons Cooper Power series Envirotran™ transformer is FM
Approved and suitable for indoor locations. Factory Mutual Research
Corporations (FMRC) approval of the Envirotran transformer line
makes it easy to comply with and verify compliance with Section
450.23, 2008 NEC, Less-Flammable Liquid-Filled Transformer
Requirements for both indoor and outdoor locations.
Envirotran FM Approved transformers offer the user the benefit
of a transformer that can be easily specified to comply with NEC,
and makes FM Safety Data Sheet compliance simpler, while also
providing maximum safety and flexibility for both indoor and outdoor
Because the “FM Approved” logo is readily visible on the
transformer and its nameplate, NEC compliance is now easily
verifiable by the inspector.
Envirotran FM Approved transformers are manufactured under
strict compliance with FMRC Standard 3990 and are filled with
FM Approved Envirotemp™FR3™ fluid, a fire-resistant dielectric
Special application transformers
Data Center transformer
With focus rapidly shifting from simply maximizing uptime and
supporting demand to improving energy utilization, the data center
industry is continually looking for methods to increase its energy
efficiency and reliability. Utilizing cutting edge technology, Eaton’s
Cooper Power series Hardened Data Center (HDC) transformers
are the solution. Designed with special attention given to surge
protection, HDC liquid-filled transformers provide superior
performance under the harshest electrical environments. Contrary
to traditional dry-type units, HDC transformers provide unsurpassed
reliability, overloadability, operational life, efficiency, thermal loading
and installed footprint. These units have reliably served more than
100 MW of critical data center capacity for a total of more than
6,000,000 hours without any reported downtime caused by a
thermal or short-circuit coil failure.
The top priority in data center operations is uninterrupted service.
Envirotran HDC transformers from Eaton, having substantially higher
levels of insulation, are less susceptible to voltage surges. Eaton has
experienced zero failures due to switching transients. The ANSI
standard impulse withstand ratings are higher for liquid-filled
transformers, making them less susceptible to insulation failure.
The Envirotran HDC transformer provides ultimate protection by
increasing the BIL rating one level higher than standard liquid-filled
transformer ratings. The cooling system of liquid-filled transformers
provides better protection from severe overloads—overloads that
can lead to significant loss of life or failure.
Data center design typically includes multiple layers of redundancy,
ensuring maximum uptime for the critical IT load. When best in
class transformer manufacturing lead times are typically weeks, not
days, an unexpected transformer failure will adversely affect the
facility’s reliability and profitability. Therefore, the ability to determine
the electrical and mechanical health of a transformer can reduce
the probability of costly, unplanned downtime. Routine diagnostic
tests, including key fluid properties and dissolved gas analysis
(DGA), can help determine the health of a liquid-filled transformer.
Although sampling is not required for safe operation, it will provide
the user with valuable information, leading to scheduled repair or
replacement, and minimizing the duration and expense of an outage.
With a dry-type transformer, there is no reliable way to measure the
health or likelihood of an impending failure.
Solar transformer
As a result of the increasing number of states that are adopting
aggressive Renewable & Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards,
the solar energy market is growing—nearly doubling year over
year. Eaton, a key innovator and supplier in this expanding market,
is proud to offer its Cooper Power series Envirotran transformers
specifically designed for Solar Photovoltaic medium-voltage
applications. Eaton is working with top solar photovoltaic developers,
integrators and inverter manufacturers to evolve the industry and
change the way we distribute power.
In accordance with this progressive stance, every Envirotran
Solar transformer is filled with non-toxic, biodegradable
Envirotemp™FR3™ dielectric fluid, made from renewable seed
oils. On top of its biodegradability, Envirotemp™FR3™ fluid
substantially extends the life of the transformer insulation, saving
valuable resources. What better way to distribute green power than
to use a green transformer. In fact, delaying conversion to Envirotran
transformers places the burden of today’s environmental issues onto
tomorrow’s generations. Eaton can help you create a customized
transformer, based on site specific characteristics including:
temperature profile, site altitude, solar profile and required system
life. Some of the benefits gained from this custom rating include:
Reduction in core losses
Improved payback on investment
Reduction in footprint
Improved fire safety
Reduced environmental impact
For the solar photovoltaic industry, Eaton is offering standard step
up transformers and dual secondary designs, including 4-winding,
3-winding (Low-High-Low) and 3-winding (Low-Low-High) designs.
Wind transformer
Eaton is offering custom designs for renewable energy power
generation. Eaton manufactures its Cooper Power series Generator
Step-Up (GSU) transformers for installation at the base of every wind
turbine. Additionally, grounding transformers are available for wind
power generation.
DOE efficiency
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) has mandated
efficiency values for most liquid type, medium voltage transformers.
As a result, all applicable Eatons Cooper Power series transformers
2500 kVA and below conform to efficiency levels as specified in the
DOE ruling “10 CFR Part 431 Energy Conservation Program”.
Underwriters Laboratories
) Listed and Labeled/
The Envirotran transformer from Eaton can be specified as UL
Listed & Labeled, and/or UL
Classified. Underwriters Laboratories
) listing is a verification of the design and construction of
the transformer to the ANSI
and IEEE
standards. UL
generally is the most efficient, cost-effective solution for complying
with relevant state and local electrical codes. UL
Classification/Listing is another way in which to comply with
Section 450.23, 2008 NEC
requirements. This combines the UL
listed transformer with a UL
Classified Less-Flammable Liquid
and complies with the use restrictions found within the liquid
Catalog Data CA202003EN
Effective April 2016
Three-phase pad-mounted compartmental type transformer