
Tire Rotation
There is a close working relationship between your tires and several mechanical systems in your
vehicle. Tires, wheels, brakes, shock absorbers, drive train, steering and suspension systems
must all function together smoothly to give you a comfortable ride and good tire mileage. All
of these systems should be checked periodically as specified by the vehicle owner’s manual or
whenever you have an indication of trouble.
Proper tire maintenance includes the proper rotation of tires. Tires must be rotated at the
first signs of uneven tread wear or up to every 8,000 miles (13,000 km) in accordance
with prescribed rotation patterns. For safety purposes have your tires inspected by a tire
professional every time they are rotated. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manuals for rotation
recommendations for specific vehicles. If no rotation pattern is specified, use the pattern
listed which applies to your vehicle. Failure to rotate your tires within these requirements will
void the mileage portion of your warranty.
Do not include a “Temporary Use Only” spare tire in any of these rotation patterns. If you have a
matching full size tire as a spare and wish to include it in the rotation process, use the rotation
pattern which applies to your vehicle but insert the spare in the right rear position. The tire that
would normally have rotated to the right rear position should then become the spare.
NOTE: Non-radial tires must not be used in a rotation program.