User's Manual

E nglish
I nst alling the Corecess 3311
n Connect t he provided SHDSL cable to t he wall receptacle and connect the ot her end of
t he cable t o t he
LI NE port of t he Corecess 3311.
o Connect t he provided Ethernet cable t o the LAN port of t he Corecess 3311 and t hen
connect t he ot her end of t he cable t o Et hernet port on t he NI C inst alled t o your PC.
p Connect the provided power supply cable int o the DC I N port of t he Corecess 3311.
q Connect the provided power cord t o t he power supply and connect t he ot her end of t he
cord t o an appropriat e elect rical out let .
r Turn on t he Corecess 3311 wit h t he power swit ch on t he rear panel of the Corecess 3311.
s Power on your PC.
Caut ion: You should power on the Corecess 3311 before powering on your PC. I f
you power on your PC first , PCā€™s I P address m ay not be properly assigned. I n t his
case, assign new I P address referring t o ā€˜Troubleshoot ingā€™ on page 9- 10 or rest art
your PC.
LED Operation
When you have powered up t he Corecess 3311, check t he st atus of the four LEDs on
the front panel by the following table:
LED Color St at u s Descr ipt ion
POWER ON DC power is being supplied to the Corecess 3311.
LI NK ON The m odem is connect ing t o SHDSL net work.
LAN ON The LAN port is connect ing to Et hernet port on your PC.
Blink Dat a is being sent t o or received from Ethernet network.