User's Manual

Corning Restricted
Corning Optical Communications User Manual I CMA-482-AEN I Page 32
the public safety service. Installation instructions are provided with each separately ordered filter (AK-CVT700; AK-
4.1 Verify Package Contents
Verify the packages contain all the required elements according to your site deployment:
RAU5x see RAU5x Package
Accessories related to your site deployment:
o RxU67 see RxU67 Package
o RxU2325 see RxU2325 Package
o GEM see GEM Package
Note: Check your package contents to verify that the items in the packing list are included. If any of the listed items are
missing, contact your Corning representative
4.1.1 RAU5x Package
Item Description
Five-band Remote Access Unit (RAU5/RAU5x):
*Model with preassembled external broadband antenna
Standoff mount (preassembled on RAU5x underside)
Note: Standoff mount includes holes in various sizes and
locations for flexible installation options. Screws for mounting
on surface are not provided.
Safety Cable preconnected to the RAU5x
Table 4-1 Package Contents
4.2 Assemble Relevant Add-ons
If relevant, install the add-ons relevant to your system deployment.
Note: for a brown-field installation, there is no need to disconnect the unit. Simply connect the add-on.
Refer to the section describing the installation of the expansion unit (add-on) relevant to your system deployment (see
Installing the Plug-in Module in the RAU5x):
For RxU67 add-on installation, see Connect an RxU67 to the RAU5x
For RxU2325 add-on installation, see Connect RxU2325 and/or GEM to the RAU5x