User's Manual

User Manual v1.0
UM - Everon 6000 DAS - 1-MAR-2021 - clear of comments| March 2021 |Page 122 of 174 dLRU/dMRU/dHRU Device Form
The device form of a dL/M/HRU element has three tabs: Info, Supported Bands and Optical Links. The Info
tab has general information about the system element:
Table 27: dLRU/dMRU/dHRU Info Device Form Fields
The name of the element as it appears in the system tree.
Serial Number
serial number of the dL/M/HRU.
SW Version
SW version updated in dL/M/HRU.
HE Chassis SN
The serial number of the Head End chassis the dL/M/HRU is connected to.
DRU's Ports
The DRU ports the dL/M/HRU is connected to. Same dL/M/HRU can be connected to several
DRU ports.
The current temperature of the dL/M/HRU.
(ON/OFF switch)
When the switch is ON the dL/M/HRU LEDs are blinking (can be used to identify the specific
module among many other modules).