User's Manual

User Manual v1.0
UM - Everon 6000 DAS - 1-MAR-2021 - clear of comments| March 2021 |Page 133 of 174 SNMP Config
The SNMP config allows configuring and using any SNMP manager. Reports
The Reports option, provides access to all the reports provided by the system, including the general and
Inventory Reports. The reports can be generated either in XLS or in PDF format. In addition, Device Logs can
be exported for troubleshooting by the system administrator.
¾ General Reports
The General Reports options are detailed in the table below.
Table 29: General Reports
Report Type
What does the report include
All General Reports
This report includes the events, activity log and distribute power reports.
Events Report
Three reports are generated: History (all events), active events and masked events.
Activity Log report
Lists the user activity with information such as time stamp, affected module, username, group,
Distribute Power
Lists the RF power distribution, configured and actual output power, for all system remotes
and RIMs.