User's Manual

User Manual v1.0
UM - Everon 6000 DAS - 1-MAR-2021 - clear of comments| March 2021 |Page 145 of 174
3. A pop up window indicates the activation status. If activation fails, the errors are displayed, as well as the activation
status per module. In the following example, the map status is "invalid map" (the map will be saved as the invalid
If activation is successful, the status of the map becomes "valid map" (map is saved as the valid map).
If the user makes changes to an invalid map, submits it and activation passes, the map is saved as the valid
map and the invalid map is deleted.
Map status
Errors found
Activation status per module:
Activation passed at HCM and DCM
levels, but failed in DRU level
Pop up window indicating
activation failed