User's Manual

User Manual v1.0
UM - Everon 6000 DAS - 1-MAR-2021 - clear of comments| March 2021 |Page 150 of 174
6.1.2 Set Traps Monitoring Destination Addresses
This section explains how to configure the IP addresses to which SNMP traps are sent. Both IPv4 and IPv6
addresses are supported.
In addition, each SNMP trap destination can be configured with a HB trap timer (“keep alive”). This option
enables a periodical trap indicating that the device is operational. The trap is sent every user-configured time
interval: 1-59 minutes.
Note: The defined HB interval must be the same for all devices in the system. This option is
disabled by default.
¾ To define the trap destination IP address
1. In the main menu bar, click Æ
2. Click in the Trap Destination List area.
The Trap Destination IP Address dialog appears:
3. Select the protocol version of the IP address: IPv4/IPv6 and enter the trap destination address.
x IPv4: IP (x.x.x.x).
x IPv6: IP (0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0).
4. If needed: select the Custom checkbox, to and fill-in the required parameters
5. If needed: set the Heartbeat (HB):
x In the HB box, select Enable from the roll-down menu.
x Determine the time interval (rate) for sending HBs.
Note: Ensure the HB definition is identical in the whole system.
6. Click OK.
7. DONE: The IP address is added to the list.