User's Manual

User Manual v1.0
UM - Everon 6000 DAS - 14-APR-2021 - clear of comments.docx| March 2021 |Page 148 of 202
Table 27: DRU Info device form fields
The name of the element as it appears in the system tree.
Serial Number
The serial number of the DRU.
SW Version
version updated in DRU.
IP Address
The IP address of the DRU.
(ON/OFF switch)
When the switch is ON the DRU LEDs are blinking (can be used to identify the specific
module among many other modules).
The Optical Links tab shows information about the optical links of the DRU. Each optical link indicates the
colour of the most severe alarm related to it. The DRU can have up to 4 optical input links and 32 optical
output links.
The user can click on one of the inputs or outputs to view information about the link. In the example below
output link number 6 was clicked and the information about this link is displayed: