User's Manual

User Manual v1.0
UM - Everon 6000 DAS - 14-APR-2021 - clear of comments.docx| March 2021 |Page 109 of 202
3.3 Default Network Settings
The system devices are managed via a web session to the headend control module (HCM) that is installed as
either a headend unit (HEU) or integrated headend unit (IHU)
The HCM has three types of RJ45 Ethernet ports: LOCAL port, LAN port and four INTERNAL ports.
LOCAL Port: 1 Gb Ethernet connection for a local setup session.
By default, the port is configured to have a static IP address:; Subnet Mask:
Alternatively, the port can be configured as a DHCP server (connected to a DHCP client computer).
Note: The LOCAL port is designated for a local connection. However, the port may be used for a
remote session as well, for troubleshooting and service purposes. In any case, don't connect a
netword device to the port if it's configured as a DHCP server, as the server will disrupt the LAN IP
LAN Port: 1 Gb Ethernet connection to the customer's network for remote management.
By default, the port is configured to have a static IP address:; Subnet Mask:
Alternatively, the port can be configured as a DHCP client.
IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols can be simultaneously supported.
INTERNAL Ports: Four RJ45, 100 Mb Ethernet ports used for management of connected ACMs.
Note: Any one of these ports can also be used for a local connection if required.
Default settings: IP:; Subnet Mask:
3.4 Supported Access Options
This section describes the HW and SW required to connect to the HCM.
First connection to the HCM should be done with a laptop or a tablet.
The following browsers are supported:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0 and above
Mozilla Firefox 42.0, 43.0, and above
Google Chrome 45.0, 46.0, and above
After the initial configurations are done, it is recommended to establish remote access to the HCM by using
the following:
LAN Ethernet connection to the HCM with a minimum connectivity and throughput capability of 256 Kbps.